Popular and fading interior trends today

2020 has made a significant impact on everyone’s lives. The pandemic forced the whole world to leave offices and start working from home. A long time spent in a home environment was unusual for everyone. As a result, people began to think about the changes that influenced today’s interior trends. 



YES, to large spaces 

In the early 2020s, it was popular to take advantage of every corner of the house, but it became obsolete with the pandemic’s onset. Most people tried to work, study, play, play sports, cook, and relax in the same space. Because of this change, it has become important not to fill the house with unnecessary items and leave as much space as possible for the living environment.

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NO, to single-purpose spaces 

Last year made us think about spacious rooms and the layout of different areas. During quarantine, most people did not have the opportunity to work in different rooms.  They were forced to create a workplace using a dining table, where children had to study. Because of these privacy shortcomings, one of the trends that returns to the interior is the division of different home areas. Glass sliding doors could be beneficial. It can be closed during work but can be left open to give the house a little more space. 

popular and fading interior trends today

YES, to expressive ceramic tiles 

One of the trends of 2021 is handmade ceramic tiles. They are becoming increasingly popular in the kitchen area. Beautifully finished tile edges are replaced with unfinished tiles of different patterns and textures. This combination is fun for the eye and can also become a wonderful part of a home accent. 

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NO, to matching furniture

Long time spent in a home environment has forced quite a few people to consider their personality and individuality. Most began to notice not only the beautiful-looking interior but also to analyse their needs. Therefore, expressing their identity has become fashionable to buy various incompatible furniture and fill them with different accessories. This solution allows to reveal uniqueness and give a home personality. 

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YES, to industrial style 

Mixing wood, metal, and glass at home is becoming increasingly popular. Especially during the “new norm” and longer time spent in the home environment, you want to feel comfortable in a stylish way. This interior style emphasises concrete surfaces, high ceilings, and contrasting colours. 

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NO, to entirely white interiors

The minimal interior style is becoming more and more boring, and it is believed that the age of a completely white interior can quickly end. In 2021, colours and patterns return, allowing the home to be given as much expressiveness and dynamism as possible. 

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